Special Blood of the World Champion Blood Donor

How World Champion Blood Donor Saved Millions of Babies

We take pride in saving the lives of a few people by donating our blood. But have you heard about a person who saved not a few hundred or thousand but more than 2.4 million children from premature death by donating his blood? This page presents the exciting details of the world champion blood donor, who also created a world record, saving an unbelievable amount of lives. Please Read till the end for complete information about this interesting fact.

It may be a wonder for anyone who that man is and how he can donate so much blood from his body. Is it true? Absolutely. What you are going to hear here is 100 percent true. Not only this, but the person who saved the lives of millions of children by donating so much blood is still alive with normal health at the age of 88 while writing this page. Therefore, this fact proves that if the interval is adequately maintained and the diet is correct, donating blood does not pose any particular risk to people.

Who is a world champion blood donor with special blood?

Now, let us start with this interesting fact. From a spiritual point of view, the real story of this person who proved to be God and gave life to millions of children is fascinating and impressive. His name is James Harrison, and he is a citizen of Australia with unique physical characteristics. Included in the list of people with unique blood types, this great man donated blood the most times in the world. Now, we will know in detail how James Harrison saved the lives of millions of children by donating blood.

Special Blood of the World Champion Blood Donor

What inspired James Harrison to donate so much blood?

Born on 27 December 1936, James Harrison became very ill at the age of 14. He became so seriously ill that it was challenging to treat him with the technology of that time. Finally, the doctor managed to save James by performing a complex heart operation and putting in 100 stitches, but in this process, James had to be given 13 pints, i.e., more than 6 liters of blood.

After recovering, James searched for the person who saved him from such a severe illness by donating 13 pints of blood, but he could not find any trace of the donors. Then, he made a serious decision in his mind, according to which he decided to save the lives of others by donating as much blood as he could as long as he was alive or throughout his life. According to this resolution, he donated blood for the first time at the age of eighteen. After that, he continued to donate blood regularly whenever he got the right time and opportunity.

How was James’s blood special?

Meanwhile, a big scientific mystery was revealed—the same mystery that made James famous worldwide. According to this mystery, James’ blood had amazing elements that are found in the blood of very few other people. That is, these antibodies in his blood were strange elements from which injections given to keep the fetus alive could be made.

The antigens developed in James’ blood were challenging to find in other people in Australia. These are such particular antigens that science has not been able to create artificially till now. But these elements are so essential that the lives of millions of children worldwide can be saved. When this chemical is found in a person, then this element is extracted from the plasma of that person’s blood. And after processing, an injection called anti-D is prepared. By using this injection, the child can be saved from dying in the womb or being born with brain damage.

What is an anti-D injection?

If you are still curious about the scientific reality of this factor or injection, let’s learn more about it. An anti-D injection is a shot of anti-D immunoglobulin that prevents a mother’s blood from producing antibodies during pregnancy that could harm a future baby. This mysterious factor is directly related to the child’s life in the womb. If the blood of a pregnant woman is RhD antigen negative and the blood of the child growing in her womb is RhD positive, then the child can become a victim of a disease called Rhesus at any time. If, in such a situation, anti-D injection is not given on time, then there can be a risk of the child dying in the womb or being born with a brain disorder.

Scientists did not know about the treatment of this severe problem until the 1960s, and every year, about 17 percent of the unborn babies in the world are affected by this Rhesus disease. But in the 1960s, a revolutionary discovery was made: anti-D injections made from a person’s blood with antibody plasma like James Harrison can safely protect children from Rhesus disease. It is said that Australia is also included in the list of the first countries to discover it.

pregnant, mother, woman, World Champion Blood Donor
Photo by Zerocool on Pixabay

James Harrison regularly donated blood and plasma for 60 years

After learning this secret, James became very excited and started regularly donating his blood plasma. When He knew the injection made from the plasma he donated could save millions of children. For this, James’ team formed an organization in 1969 in collaboration with the Red Cross in New South Wales, Australia, and also established a blood processing plant.

After that, James used to draw plasma from his blood once every two or three weeks, and it was sent to make injections. Thus, he donated blood and plasma continuously for about 60 years. In which blood or plasma was extracted from his body 1172 times. Finally, in the year 2018, i.e., at the age of 81, when plasma was taken 1173 times, he became sad and said that today has proved to be the most miserable day of my life. Because according to the law, blood or plasma could no longer be extracted from James’ body due to the age limit.

But by this time, more than 2.4 million needles were made from the plasma extracted from James’ body and given to pregnant women, thereby saving millions of children. This is why millions of women recognized James as an incarnation of God. It is said that during this time, he donated blood only 10 times from his left hand, while on other occasions, he always donated blood from his right hand. Also, his hands were repeatedly pricked with needles for these priceless donations. That is why the world also knows him as the ‘Man with the Golden Arm.’

How did James’s blood have particular antibodies?

There are billions of humans worldwide, but why such antigens were found in the body like James Harrison was a serious question. However, scientists are still determining how such antigens develop in the bodies of rare humans. Notably, in James’ case, it is said that many types of blood were given to him during his heart operation. At that time, some other kind of blood might also be given to his body, which was somewhat different from the nature of his blood. Due to this, the formation of antibodies in his body must have started. Many experts speculate.

It is also said that people with extraordinary blood capacity, like James, are rare in other developed countries. Even if they are found, people refuse to donate blood regularly. James has become very old and cannot donate blood or plasma. Still, fortunately, it has been found that about 200 people in Australia have this type of extraordinary blood capacity.

James Harrison is rare great man in the world

James Harrison is not only the world record blood donor for donating the maximum blood but also an extraordinary human and religious personality. Because no one wants to dedicate his life to the welfare of humanity in this way. At present, James is enjoying the thanks and respect of the world in his retired life. Human service was his dream, which he fulfilled. James Harrison’s life partner, Barbara Lindbeck, left him in 2005, but James did not leave human service in this sorrowful life of separation; he felt real mental peace in service only.

This earth rarely gives birth to great individuals like James Harrison, who comes as an incarnation of God. This page is created in honor of James Harrison, the world champion blood donor. Reading his inspiring life story inspires all of us to move forward for more humanitarian service. If you also liked this content, share it, and do not forget to subscribe to this website to read such extraordinary content regularly in the future.

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