Dreaming woman, Mysterious Facts About Dreams

21 Interesting And Mysterious Facts About Dreams.

Real Scientific concepts, Myth, and 21 Mysterious facts About dreams


We all dream, and many people say, “I had a very good dream, so there is going to be some unexpected gain, or there is going to be some loss.” However, there are different scientific concepts and mysterious facts about dreams, which we present here in detail.

We can find the many myths about dreams in human society. So, we may be curious whether these mythical concepts are right.

Is it okay to dream or not?

Does the dream symbolize a healthy or unhealthy life?

Is the glimpse seen in the dream a sign of the future or not?

What is the scientific reason to dream?

To know the answer to these questions and be informed about mysterious Facts About Dreams. Please read this article completely.

Stage of sleeping to dream

Dreams can be strange in many ways, such as fascinating, amusing, exciting, terrifying, informative, etc. Researchers have also obtained information about this by doing a lot of research. But many things are still hidden in the womb of mystery.

Sleep also has different types of stages, such as rapid eye movement (REM) and non-rapid eye movement (NREM), and their different substages. However, most dreams are said to occur in the rapid eye movement (REM) stage.

There are many interesting facts about sleeping times and stages, but we will discuss them in the next article about sleeping.

In this article, we only talk about all the secrets of dreams. So, Let’s get started.

21 Interesting And Mysterious facts About dreams

1. The brain is more active during dreams

Brain activity increases while sleeping. And we say that rest and sleep are necessary for peace. Or we associate peace with sleep, but in reality, our brain is more active during sleep than during the day. The brain has to go through many unexpected situations while sleeping. That’s why dreams also appear in different ways.

2. We forget almost 90%  of our dreams

As much as we remember, we describe the dream experience. But we have seen more dreams than what we tell. Half to 50 per cent of dreams are forgotten within 5 minutes of waking, and 90 per cent of dreams are lost or forgotten by our minds within 10 minutes.

But if we practice writing down our dreams daily as soon as we wake up, we may be able to remember even more dreams. Regularly noting down dreams will strengthen your brain’s abilities and train your brain to remember dreams better and forget fewer dreams in the future.

Mysterious Facts About Dreams
Dream” by Xtream_i is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

3. Even blind people can dream

People who are blind shortly after birth and who have never seen some things of this world can see pictures in their dreams. Those born blind do not see any sight, but they also dream because of the senses of sound, smell, touch, and feeling, but the visuals do not predominate.

4. The brain has a huge memory of faces and objects for dreams

We are surprised that some unknown face or object appears in the dream. Was this object and face unknown to us? No. Research suggests that we see the same face and object in dreams that we have seen before, either in real life or through TV, mobile, or other media.

But sometimes, in dreams, those objects and faces we have not seen anywhere in our lives are immersed in our imagination for a long time, thinking about them. Such imaginary things are secretly hidden in the memory of our brains. And when our brain is more active during sleep, those memories emerge as our dreams.

5. Not everyone has colourful dreams

Various assumptions are given when someone is asked about the object’s colour seen in the dream. But if we do research, we know that not all humans see colourful dreams. 12% of blind people dream in black and white, and the rest dream in colour. Before the 1960s, people believed almost all dreams were black and white, but this concept changed later.

Today, it is believed that only 4.4% of young people under the age of 25 see their dreams in black and white. In today’s era, there must have been a change in the colour of the dream, even if everyone is connected with colourful media like colour TV and mobile.

Mysterious Facts About Dreams
Dreams” by Arctia is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

6. Men and women have different types of dreams

Often, the nature of men’s and women’s dreams is not the same. Men dream more about men, while women dream about both men and women. It is said that about 70% of the characters in a man’s dream are other men. Furthermore, men’s dreams usually contain more overt emotions than women’s, while women’s dreams are mostly based on daily events.

The content of dreams: Researchers have found some differences between men and women regarding the content of dreams. In many studies, men dreamed about weapons and machinery more often than women, while women dreamed more often than men in terms of clothing and food.

7. Most dreams are characterized by negative emotions or anxiety 

When we all narrate our dream experiences, the same essence comes to the fore: anxiety. Because most dreams reveal more negative emotions than positive ones.

Scientists believe that one of the reasons why we dream is that our brain also reveals our thoughts and feelings through dreams. Often, due to the non-fulfilment of all our wishes, tension and mental anxiety arise in the mind. Due to not getting the proper environment to manifest in real life, all these mental troubles remain hidden in the mind, automatically appearing in the dream state.

8. Someone never dreams, which is wrong

According to research, everyone sees dreams but forgets them.

Everyone dreams, except someone who is extremely psychopathic or mentally deranged. But some people say I never dream, so it is untrue. They all dream but forget immediately. And they cannot preserve the memory of all their dreams until their mind is awakened. Or else the dream gets deleted in a moment.

horse, Mysterious Facts About Dreams
Photo by KELLEPICS on Pixabay

9. In dreams, the body usually becomes paralyzed

We dream in the REM phase, which occurs during sleep. During REM, the body is paralyzed by a mechanism in our brain. And all the activities of the dream can be stopped by the movement of the physical body. Hence, the dream part of the brain creates a state of separation from the parts of our body.

In this state, our body becomes temporarily inactive, and we cannot move the body or move any part of the body even if we want to.

In some cases, this paralysis can last up to 10 minutes while awake, a condition called sleep paralysis. But this experience can be terrifying. Experts suggest it is completely normal if it only takes a few minutes for our muscle control to return.

10. You can experience orgasm in a dream

People can have pleasurable sex in their dreams just like in their real life. It doesn’t matter if you fell asleep thinking about it or not.
Indeed, dreams and sex seem to be intimately related. It is said that many people get more pleasure from dream sex than from real life. Be it women or men.

Sex feelings in dreams are considered to be usual. Physical conditions such as erectile dysfunction and nightfall may also occur at an early age.

But it is said that when a man dreams of sex, 70% of the time, he dreams of a romance with his female friend. But if a woman falls into a sex romance in a dream, then a male leader of the society with a special ability, the hero artist, is lost in the dream with such a special man. If you start writing about the relationship between dreams and sex life, it can be a great chapter. That’s why we will say only this much about sex and dreams in this article.

Blurred Woman, Mysterious Facts About Dreams
Photo by Cottonbro Studio on Pexels

11. We can have six or seven dreams in one night

According to research reports, we can dream for an average of two hours every night. We often dream many times at night and have many dreams within a dream. But we do not remember all those dreams. Or we forget all dreams as soon as we open our eyes. We remember only the last dream before waking up.

It is said that the average person has about 1,460 dreams per year, about four dreams per night. On average, anyone can dream for one to two hours every night.

12. Dreams also include sounds from the real world.

Most people see this type of dream where the sound of the real world outside is also heard in their dreams. But this voice goes inside the dream and changes into some form or the other. For example, if a vehicle is moving on the road near anyone in a dream, he may dream of travelling somewhere and having an accident on the road.

13. Materialism considers dream symbolism as a traditional illusion.

Modern materialism says that no dream can foretell events; no such proof has been found. It is not often that the dream appears as its symbol. Whatever sign comes in our dreams is just a coincidence.

They say, “The chances of it being a pre-indicator are very low. There is no definite scientific philosophy for dream symbolism.” However, even after tradition, people continue to make new theories about dream results. And it is said that what kind of dream indicates which thing. They believe that this kind of dream is going to be the result of this. For example, as seen of fire in a dream is said to indicate a quarrel with someone.

Mysterious Facts About Dreams
John Anster Fitzgerald, ‘The stuff dreams are made of‘” by sofi01 is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

14. Major Invented by dreams

Many traditional concepts about dreams are not scientifically substantiated, but it is said that these great men made their great inventions with the help of dreams. Such as :

  • Alternating Current Generator – Tesla’s Dream
  • The Double Helix Spiral Form of DNA – James Watson’s Dream
  • For ideas for Google – Larry Page’s Dreams
  • Sewing Machine – Elias Howe’s Dream
  • The Periodic Table – The Dream of Dmitry Mendeleev
  • Similarly, Prithvi Narayan Shah, the king of Nepal’s unification, was also ordered by some divine power in his dream to launch a war campaign for the unification of Nepal. Wherever your feet fall, there you will win. But this also proved to be true.
  • There are many other examples of such events where the plan was successful in following dreams.
  • Someone has foreseen a future event in a dream.

There are some incredible cases in the world where people dreamed of those things. Later, the incident happened exactly as they had seen in their dream.

15. Prophetic dreams

There is no scientific logic in this. But the incident raises a difficulty. Whether they had a glimpse of the future event or not, it must have been a coincidence. Some seriously important and strange incidents of this type are as follows, which were foreshadowed in the dream. Some of these incidents are as follows.

  • Abraham Lincoln dreamed of his assassination.
  • There were 19 verified predictors about the Titanic disaster in a dream.
  • Mark Twain dreamed of his brother’s death.
  • Many of the victims of September 11 warned about the devastation in the dream.
  • Not only this but in many surveys of large population groups, about 25 percent of people report that they have experienced precognitive dreams at least once in their lives.

16. Some people walk during the dream

In social life, we see that some people walk in their sleep or start doing something in the surroundings by being guided by a dream.

Sleepwalking is a very rare disease. And it is also a kind of dangerous sleep disorder. It is also known as a systemic form of REM sleep disorder.

Many such people realize their wishes in their dreams. And many go on real adventures at night. Many such people get up from bed and start walking in their sleep; some drive a car in their sleep, and some take off their clothes and start walking naked.

Not only this, some are so dangerous that if they see any incident like quarrel or theft in their dreams, they get up and start killing the person sleeping nearby. And there is a danger of falling on the roof. And some want to start jumping from windows. That’s why a sleepwalker should never sleep alone in an open place.

17. You can’t dream if you’re snoring.

People often do not dream while snoring, but not much evidence supports the claim that this is true or misleading. We have to ask them who has a habit of snoring.😴 

18. Dream lovers take drugs to get it

You may be surprised to hear that there are such lovers of dreams in the world; they like to dream, and if they do not see, they dream even after taking medicines. Many people like to dream but cannot dream or forget it soon. They get so attached to dreams that they never want to wake up. They want to daydream, too.

So, they take a very powerful hallucinogenic genetic drug called dimethyltryptamine. This medicine is illegal, and research is going on as to how much harm it causes to the body, but dream lovers have started consuming this illegal chemical without thinking about all this. The medicine creates a natural state of dreaming in our minds.

Dreaming animals, Mysterious Facts About Dreams
Face to face in our dreams” by Gloson is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

19. Animals also dream

 Many different animals have been studied to determine whether animals dream or not. Research has shown that animals dream, too. When he examined the brain waves of a sleeping animal like a cat or dog, they found the same result as that of a dreaming human.

That’s why they said that animals also dream. By the way, even after seeing the movement of the sleeping dog and cat, we can say that he dreams.

Many animals also do dream activities like shouting, pawing, chewing, showing anger, and eating in sleep.

 20. How long is the dream

We say that we dreamed all day today. Some say that children dream while sleeping. Researchers have found that people typically have several dreams each night, with each dream normally lasting between five and 20 minutes. Dreaming for a long time means having many more frequencies in your dreams.

21. Scientists have different arguments and disagreements about dreams

Please Keep reading for details…

Different concepts of dream and its benefits

Some people say that our dreams have no meaning. Those who make this argument say that our mind itself is unstable. When we sleep, certain parts of our brain are stimulated or more active, so vivid memories appear in the brain, which we call dreams.

And some others say that dreams have value. They say that dreams are also a form of therapy by which our bodies become healthy.

Dreaming about and remembering stressful things can help us cope when we feel sad. Many types of desires of our mind are not fulfilled in real life, but if that desire is fulfilled even in dreams, it can give us mental satisfaction, and our health can also be better.

Some people say that dreams are prophetic. The dream gives advance notice of an upcoming event or situation. The fruit of my dream is about to come into my life. Before any positive or negative critical time comes, I get indications through dreams that people who say so are also found a lot.

But in scientists’ research, it has been said that the dream neither gives any result in real life nor indicates the future. No facts have been found yet to confirm this.

angel, wings, clouds, Mysterious Facts About Dreams
Photo by KELLEPICS on Pixabay

Scientists have different arguments and disagreements about dreams

Even today, there are so many secrets hidden about dreams that no one knows why this happens. Scientists have not also the same concept. Whatever has come to light from the different research done so far in this regard, we have described it briefly.

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That’s it about dreams for today.
Thank you very much for your time. Happy Reading🥰

KCDD Group (Authors)
KCDD Group (Authors)

'KCDD Group' is a group of enthusiastic Nepali youth working in various creative fields. Professionally, we work in multiple fields, such as engineering, teaching, commerce, and arts.

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